Welcome to my art site PBurtonArt.com
My Name is Phil Burton, I am fortunate to reside in the Myrtle Beach South Carolina area, so much beautiful scenery and landscape to explore and paint.

My Style:
I have no formal training I am developing I surmise, my own style and feel. Currently studying and collaborating with local Artisans to further my art and style, I have always had an interest in the expression of Art; oil painting is my medium of choice. Although I think in terms of freedom and artistic license; I adhere to a limited palette as a challenge to color mixture and purity. I use the same (12 color) oil palette 99% of the time for all my paintings.
I think of my art style as loose and free, which allows me to work from rough composition for the sake of freedom to avoid artistic restraints. "I never enjoyed coloring in the lines." I am not criticizing those who do, it's just not my style.
My hope or goal is to convey this freedom and expression in my Artwork while capturing the essence of subject and matter, through the chosen color palette , along with varying hues of light and darkness.
Some Background / Start in the Journey into Painting:
My Art Journey began with a disabling injury (to date 2022; I have had 23 surgeries) most pertaining to a back injury. Art for me began as Therapy and developed from there. Progressed I donated many paintings to worthy causes: Cancer Society, auctions to raise monies for Hurricane Victims, Injured Veteran programs. I used my own pain and suffering to help others this has brought me much joy and inspiration to keep painting.
My Influences:
My mentor was Jim Horton, a well known Artist in his own right and an accomplished Author and Thespian (Performing Arts / Theater).
I have various influences although I gravitate towards Impressionist, Italian Renaissance as well as the Romantic period paintings. I also enjoy the allure of the "Hudson Valley Painters"
I subscribe to the color theory of Earth, (yellow) Water, (green) Air (blue) and Fire (red) as inspiration in my paintings.
My Artwork can be viewed in the Gallery link and more information regarding originals and prints can be found there.
I hope you enjoy viewing my art and please check back often. If you are interested in obtaining any of my works, some originals may be available as well as prints of my artwork. Follow this Artwork Link for more information or email me